The 2022 WRAS AGM will be held on Tuesday, 10 May 6pm at the Orange City Bowling Club.

WRAS is seeking a new board member for a 2-year appointment duration, preferably an individual with a background and expertise in Governance or Business Strategy.

Academy Games Cancelled

The Regional Academies of Sport in conjunction with event host, Hunter Academy of Sport, regret to advise that under the Australian Government COVID-19 directive restricting all public gatherings of more than 500 people, the 2020 Your Local Club Academy Games has been cancelled.

2019 WRAS Presentation Night

The Western Region Academy of Sport (WRAS) held its annual presentation evening at Panthers Bathurst on Saturday 17 August 2019.  The evening recognised the substantial achievements of WRAS athletes, the hard working squad staff and the other valuable supporters and volunteers.