With restrictions easing and athletes eager to return to sport, the Western Region Academy of Sport (WRAS) will be opening nominations next week for their 2021 Programs.
This year’s programming was understandably impacted by COVID-19, which contributed to an interrupted year for most squads. However, WRAS alongside our partner State Sporting Organisations have committed every effort to ensuring in 2021, pre-elite athletes will again have a vital pathway to help them achieve their goals in their respective sports.
Confirming their status as a COVID Safe Business, Executive Officer of WRAS Candice Boggs, said the chance to welcome back athletes after such a long break is an exciting opportunity.
“Launching our programs brings us so much joy because we know how many talented athletes there are in the Western Region. The chance to work with our coaches and athletes to assist them in fulfilling their sporting dreams is something we look forward to every season”
“All our programs improve each year because of the amazing coaching we have available in the region. A number of our coaches have either state or elite level qualifications meaning the quality of teaching provided within our programs is first class,”
Ms Boggs added that even after such a unique year, the coaches are committed more than ever to help the athletes succeed.
“We are fortunate to have high level coaches who love being involved with the programs to help every athlete. It’s because of their efforts our programs have and will continue to grow and succeed every year,”
“The past 6 months have been such a difficult time for everyone, so we are thrilled to see sport resume and we are working alongside our coaches to ensure our 2021 programs deliver on quality. “
With nominations opening next week for Golf and Hockey, all programs will have their own highlight for the year. Most squads will again have the chance to compete at the 2021 Academy Games in Newcastle.
In addition to training sessions and camps, all selected athletes will be provided education sessions throughout their programs on a variety of topics and movement screening tests to improve athletes’ strength and help reduce risk of injuries.
Selected athletes will begin squad commitments at Orientation in November 2020 and graduate from the program in August 2021.
Nominations for Cycling, Basketball, Individuals programs and our Greater Bank Netball program will be opening shortly.
Further information about the programs and how to nominate can all be found on the WRAS website https://wras.org.au/programs/